نایجل ای. او پس از یک دوره تحصیل در کالج ریپون کودسدون در سال 1980 منصوب شد. و سپس تا سال 2001 جانشین در کریست چرچ، بریکستون بود. او از سال 2001 تا 2007 که معاون و معاون کلیسای جامع سنت ژرمن شد، به عنوان وزیر منصوب آموزشی برای اسقف نشین ساوتوارک مشغول به کار بود. == مراجع ==...
Nigel A. Philip Godfrey (born 25 April 1951) is an Anglican priest: he has been the Dean of Peel since 2011. He was ordained after a period of study at Ripon College Cuddesdon in 1980. He was Curate at St John the Divine, Kennington from 1979 to 1989; and then Vicar at Christ Church, Brixton until 2001. He was the Principal Ordained Minister Training for the Diocese of Southwark from 2001 until 2007 when he became the Vicar and Vice Dean of St German's Cathedral. == References ==...
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